What is a scriptural home? This is a challenging question. In our modern technological society we are bombarded with information on how to get along with our spouses, how to raise our children, how to run a household. Radio, television, magazines and newspapers present interviews with psychologists, psychiatrists and other experts who give us advice on how to live our lives more effectively.
Very few, however, look at this information in light of God's Word. This is the purpose of the new Scriptural Home Seminar to emphasize and utilize scriptural principles as its basis while blending them with contemporary psychology.
In the new Scriptural Home Seminar you will discover what God's Word, the Bible, says about:
- The Foundation of a Scriptural Home
- The Husband's Role
- Effectively Dealing with Conflicts
- The Wife's Role
- Communication
- Worship and Ministry in the Home
- Parent-child Relationships
The Scriptural Home Seminar contains twelve MP3 audios, a downloadable workbook and Leader's Guide. The student workbook contains:
- Outlines of the Messages
- Excerpts from Outstanding Articles
- Questions for Discussion
- A Bibliography
The Scriptural Home Seminar offers you an opportunity to share the Christian life with your neighbors or it can be used in your church. The Leader's Guide provides an overview of the course and some helpful suggestions on how to hold a Seminar in your neighborhood. The first message contains the plan of salvation.
This Seminar is the result of numerous seminars held in the U.S. and overseas in both homes and churches. The speaker and author, George Sanchez, has spent many years in counseling and keeps up-to-date on the contemporary developments in this field. While on staff with The Navigators, George Sanchez served as International Assistant to the President. He has presented seminars throughout the world emphasizing biblical principles regarding the family, communication, and interpersonal relationships. A veteran missionary, he served as the first full-time Navigator representative in Latin America.
This material comes to you very prayerfully and carefully prepared. It is my sincere wish that the Lord Jesus Christ be honored in the use of the new Scriptural Home Seminar. Another hope and prayer is that homes and families will be strengthened as interpersonal relationships are re-established and strengthened by the application of scriptural principles. May He bless you in your home and family relationships as you study this material and use you as you seek to minister to others in this way. If I can be of any further assistance, please contact me.
It is a privilege to co-labor with you. "May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 15:5,6).
Sincerely in Christ,

** While on staff with The Navigators, George Sanchez served as International Assistant to the President. He has presented seminars throughout the world emphasizing biblical principles regarding the family, communication, and interpersonal relationships. A veteran missionary, he served as the first full-time Navigator representative in Latin America.