Trademark and Copyright Notice
© Copyright 1943 - by the Speakers and Discipleship Library. All rights reserved. This material is available for use on the Internet via various licenses agreements from providers of audio materials. For free usage information please read the following constructive notice for fair use statements.
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From the web site at you may download files and use them for yourself and share them with others in your local, and/or worldwide ministry as long as you give them away and do not charge for the them. In this case, free means free. No audio, video, or text file may be bundled with anything sold, nor may you charge for CD copies, shipping, handling, etc. These files are freely provided for your personal study and use in disciplemaking ministry, as well as in preparation of sermons, Sunday school classes, small group Bible studies, and/or other non-commercial study. De-compilation and/or redistribution of "partial" audio files is strictly prohibited, so as to avoid statements being taken out of context. No files may be "indexed for linking" on other sites that contain paid advertising, without written permission from Discipleship Library.
Re-distribution Policy
This material is shared in the form of digital media and/or written transcript with proper credit given to each speaker. It may not be reprinted for commercial publication; however, it may be duplicated for ministry distribution as long as it is given away. De-compilation and/or redistribution of "partial" media and/or text files is strictly prohibited, so as to avoid any of the speakers comments being taken out of context. For distribution of media files involving >100 copies, you need to obtain written permission, agree to comply with reasonable guidelines of content and quality control, and include the formal Trademark and Copyright Notice on all derivative works. Inquire by E-mail: [email protected] or call 214-696-6509 (USA).
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We have had numerous requests from users to repost Discipleship Library media files on their own Webservers, podcasts, discussion boards, etc. We appreciate your vote of confidence in the content provided by Discipleship Library, and we're honored to serve all the people using the Website each day. However, with all the Websites in the world being only one simple click away from our site, at the present time, we do not grant permission for these materials to be reposted on other websites. No files may be "indexed for linking" on other sites that contain paid advertising, without written permission from Discipleship Library.